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Ladies are you ready for a “Day in God’s Court” It is better than one thousand elsewhere.

Please join us, May 3rd, 2025, for a fabulous day of encouragement, laughter, praise & worship, food, uplifting speakers, and breakout sessions

Added bonus, come enjoy the beautiful lunch tables, decorated in different unique themes dreamed up by volunteers

Let us know if you would like to claim a table to decorate?

Come as you are, and leave empowered

Invite your friends & family for a day in God’s company.

$40.00 per person Lunch is included

Check in begins at 8:30 AM

Location: 1021 N. New York Ave

Winter Park, FL 32789

For more information please call (407)963-4575


God is Turning Our Crying to Laughter

Psalm 126:2

We are delighted to have Juanita Lolita as our guest Speaker 
Ladies God is about to do a new thing in our lives.



Then our mouth was filled with laughter
And our tongue with joyful shouting;
Then they said among the nations,
“The Lord has done great things for them.”

Psalm 126:2 Amplified Bible


A Donation of $40.00 per person
Click below to register Now

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Thank you for your donation!

Princess For A Day
October 25, 2025

Church Office (407)963-4575

New Beginning Ministry Inc.

P.O. Box 940392

Maitland, FL 32794

501c3 Not for Profit Organization

©2025 by New Beginning Ministry.

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