Ms Praari Hohman
Forever in our hearts
Sidewalk Ministry
Our Mission
Matthew 28:19-20
For the whole world to know Jesus
and practice what He commands.
Your partnership is key for the furtherance of this Ministry.
We all can see that the love of many has grown cold. Crime involving children are in an all-time high. We as a Church on Wheels Ministry are committed to reach as many children and their family as we can. Every week we equip our truck with food, clothes, toys, but the most important thing is that we share Godly training so the children and their families can learn what God commands. In order to stop the infection of sin, we must reach them the very core where the problems begin (The Heart). The Bible has the power to transform the heart. We as a team say to Father God here we are sent us. In the Bible Romans 10:12-15 we read; For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him. 13 For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
14 How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? 15 And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written:
“How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace,
Who bring glad tidings of good things!”
We need your partnership, together we can make a difference.
Can we depend on you to become a monthly partner today?
Help us reach people for Jesus.
Ways to Give
Venmo: @NBMThouse
New Beginning Ministry
P.O. Box 940392
Maitland FL 32794
or just click on Donate above
Upcoming Events
*Food Drive*
We are collecting
Mac & Cheese
Oatmeal Packets
Pasta Sauce
Can Soup
Can Chicken
Can Tuna
Can Salchicha
Can Vegestable
Juice Pack
Can Fruit
Cup of Noodles Chicken Flavor
*Boxes of Love for Thanksgiving
Collection begins October 01, 2024
Collection ends on November 14, 2024
200- Cans of Green Beans
200- Cans of Corn
200- boxes Stuffing
200- boxes mash potatoes
200- Can of Cranberry Sauce
200- 2lb bag of Rice
200- Cans of Beans
200- Cans of Fruit
200- Packs of Drink mix
100- $15.00 Gift Cards
*Christmas Day Event Christmas Toy & Food Drive December 25, 2024
Collecting items Toys and Food begins November 15, 2024
Collection ends December 20, 2024
If you want to make a donation
instead of shopping click on the Donate button above.
Sidewalk Ministry
Toys & Food Drive
We are collecting food and toys
for needy families
if you would find it in your heart to donate food or toys
please contact us at or
call (407) 963-4575
New Beginning Ministry
P.O. Box 940392
Maitland, FL 32730
You can also make a donation by clicking
Ways of Giving
Credit Card donate button above.
Venmo: @NBMThouse
Sidewalk Ministry
The new norm of reaching out
Staying Safe.
A big shoutout to FBCWP, BSF, CIA, Bob, Deborah, Reed for your quick shopping skills and all our partners for being so faithful to this Ministry.
Thank You!
Boxes of Love Reach out 2024 Collecting Items
Ways to help Sponsor a family of 6 with a box of love with items below.
Estimate about $40.00 per child
1- $20.00 Gift card (turkey)
2- Can of String beans
2- Cans of Corn
1- Box of powder mash potatoes
2- Boxes of Stuffing
1- Can of Jellied Cranberry
2- Can of Fruits
1- Powder Drink
1- Can of Sweet Potato
Toiletries, personal hygiene.
We always need toys.